Case Studies


These Case Studies are for Senior High School Students (Years 11-12). Each individual page within the body of the text is designed to be a stand-alone page usually centred on an activity or set of questions of Year11-12 standard.

The Case Studies provide local area investigations of relevance to the Geography and Sciences Curricula. They will assist teachers and students in those topics that deal with the natural environment, particularly in the areas of resource use and human impacts.

The Case Studies do not address specific syllabus dot points but aim to provide stimulus material drawn mainly from local, Central Coast sources (often unpublished), that are difficult for students to access on their own. Their purpose is to encourage broad, evaluative thinking.

Recommend Use

It is recommended that teachers adopt one or other of the following strategies:

1. For Classroom Use

• Teachers download the entire pdf document from the website using Adobe Acrobat

• Teachers select those pages and appendices of relevance to their teaching programs

• Photocopy black and white class sets of selected pages for students

• Teachers direct students to the website to view colour versions of the pages as set out in the online pdf document and to establish the context of the pages within the document as a whole.


2. For Assessment Task Purposes

• If teachers intend to use the entire Case Study as an assessment task it is recommended that the best approach is to direct students to the online pdf document for the students to down load individually.

• Teachers direct students by way of written instructions to those pages/sections that are to be addressed in the Assessment task


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